The Last Crusade

Is it just me, or does anyone else look at recent world events and scratch their head, then mutter to themself, “What the fuck?”

It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, there’s probably some sort of excrement hitting some type of air circulating device that is affecting your life negatively in some manner. One might be tempted to think that the whole world has gone crazy, except the crazy part isn’t new. It’s always been crazy. It’s just crazier than usual lately. And the pandemic has only increased its pace.

Perhaps the craziest place in the world right now is the United States of America. A cultural conflict has been boiling there for the last several years. Some people might look at it as a political struggle. But closer to the truth, this is a religious battle that’s being played out in a political arena.

I call it the Last Crusade.

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If you don’t remember history, the Crusades were Holy Wars. They were military campaigns sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church to expand the realm of Christianity; to regain the Holy Land, and free it from Islamic rule. The Crusades refers to the nine major Christian invasions of the Middle East that lasted from 1095 to 1272.

If you’re suddenly interested in knowing more about how religious wars have wreaked havoc upon the world you can look it up on The Google.

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The original crusades were Medieval Christian armies fighting Muslim armies sword to sword and hand to hand, you know, the typical blood and gore everywhere kind of affairs that humans are so good at.

This crusade is essentially Christian v. Christian. The battles, so far, have mostly been a war of words and defensive posturing, but these things have a way of boiling over sometimes.

Take, for instance, January 6, 2021.

Only one of these two forces has a well-equipped militia. They’re not well-regulated. They aren’t regulated at all. And for that we can all thank the American Rifle Association.

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The two political parties sparring for supremacy in the US are the Democrats and the Republicans. Politically, in my opinion, the Democrats represent the People With Brains. The Republicans represent the Walmart Intelligencia. How these two sides view their country and its future are vastly different — so much so that it’s hard to believe these two groups of people actually live in the same country.

In terms of religion, the Republicans tend to be Christian Evangelical conservatives that believe everything in the Bible is true, even the parts that contradict themselves. As near as I can tell, they are Old Testament Christians — it’s a term so oxymoronic — the oxy part is so incongruous that it just becomes moronic.

There aren’t any Christians in the Old Testament. You could look it up.

These MAGA/OTC’s want to restore and maintain good old fashioned family values and morality by taking the country back to 1950’s standards. Not 1950 CE. 1950 BCE.

Ask any MAGA you happen to see how they feel about gay people. Or immigration. Or abortion. Or the COVID vaccine. Or racial supremacy.

They’re not forgiving people. And when anyone points out to them that Jesus said we’re supposed to forgive others — they’re reaction essentially is, What the fuck did he know. We don’t care what he said in that part of the Bible.

If their words don’t say it, their actions do.

They have a long list of Things We Don’t Want. As odd as this might sound, any right that isn’t constitutionally guaranteed by the Second Amendment is being attacked. You can look them up if you’re not sure what those items might be. You could even do that here. I’m a combat veteran of the First Trump War. I wrote a bunch of political stuff during the First Pandemic.

There’s only one thing they all seem to agree on about when it comes to the subject of what they do want.


They want to be able to exercise their God-given right to keep and bear arms because this is America, goddamnit. And they don’t care how many people have to die in the process. Their God is a righteous god of hellfire and damnation. He is the angry God of the Old Testament.

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The other Christian force is pretty much just that. All of the Other Christians. These people actually try to do what Jesus said, Love God. And be good to each other. They want to be inclusive to everyone, excluding no one. They want to make the world a better place. They want peace, and most of all, they don’t want to be shot to death by people with guns.

Not anymore.

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They’re probably not sure just who or what God is, but they’re hoping He’s the God Jesus talked about. The Nice God who created us, and loves us, and forgives anyone that asks Him for forgiveness — no matter what the fuck we did! The God that’s somehow going to save our sorry asses, and then, somehow, life is going to be… awesome.

The Far Out Totally Cool God of the New Testament, that’s the God the Hippie Christians are talking about.

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All of the other major religions are also present in America, as well as atheists and agnostics. They no doubt think all of this Christian drama is very ugly, stupid, and so unnecessary, but if they have to choose a side they’d probably go along with the Hippie Christians, mostly because they’re tired of living in fear that they’ll be the next victims of the next mass shooting.

An event that will be repeated soon, and repeated again, coming to a town near you any day now.

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And that’s America in a nutshell at this precise moment in time. This is the Last Crusade for the hearts and minds of all Christians, not just in America, but all across the world.

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I’m sure there have been many people that have speculated on the Who What Where When and Why this is happening. I’m one of them. This is one of the many things I ponder as I water the gardens here at the Chula Vista Resort and Spa.

I question God, the Universe, and Everything. And in return I receive… impressions.

Before I conclude I just want to say that I welcome any feedback about the cause of the current state of world affairs that offer alternatives to the one I’m about to propose. Anyone want Climate Change? Artificial Intelligence, anyone? Mercury in Retrograde?

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The end of this Age probably isn’t as far away as you might think. Or hope.

And I know what you’re thinking — Oh shit. He’s one of them! And I would agree. I always thought those fucking guys were crazy too. I mean, none of them was ever right, so they had to be crazy. And they were losers to boot.


If you believe in the Law of Averages, at the very least you’ll have to admit this: Sooner or later, someone is going to have to be right about this. You can’t be wrong about something forfuckingever.

It’s an actual Law. That, is Science.

Someday, someone is going announce, It’s the End of the World! And they’re not going to be wrong about it. Or crazy.

So, here it is. The End of this Age is coming and will soon be upon us. All of the generations that now walk the earth, from the Greatest Generation to Baby Boomers to Millennials to Gen X, Y, & Z — we will bear witness to the implosion of mankind and pretty much everything we’ve accomplished.

All because we couldn’t agree on just Who and What God really is.

If you carefully consider this for a moment, it’s not as crazy as it first sounded.

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Thank you very much for your time and please come back again.

And there’s one more thing: if you thought the last two years were off the chain, you ain’t seen nothing yet.